Pristine Outdoor Services are designed for us to keep tabs on your outdoor environment and make sure that it never has an opportunity to fall into disrepair. With our regular maintenance service, our crew keeps your outdoor living space fresh and ready to enjoy, anytime – and all the time. We consistently review and attend to your property’s detailed needs and often schedule a time for the entire crew to perform updates.
We stay on top of your outdoor environment’s ever-changing needs and keep it in top shape.
Through the years clients have repeatedly asked us to recommend a “good gardener”, once their landscape construction project is complete. Many times a gardener simply doesn’t have the proper knowledge of what should be done for a garden to thrive over time. To overcome this, Artisan Outdoor has developed a maintenance program we call “Pristine Outdoor Services”.
With common maintenance service, homeowners can only rely on their gardener to mow and edge the lawn, pick off any dead flowers and pick the occasional weed. This is where we step in and elevate yard maintenance to Pristine service. On a weekly service basis, we will visit your outdoor environment to access 5 main areas.
5 Main Categories we look inspect and attend to:
- Sprinkler System: We run through the sprinkler system to make sure it is still efficient and unclogged
- Fertilizing: We apply the proper nutrition to each plant and the lawn as necessary
- Color change out: We replace any flowers that need to be replaced for the season – as well as any dead shrubs
- Night lighting: Check the fixtures, replace burned out bulbs and straighten crooked lights
- Pruning: Thin and lace all of the shrubs and trees (as necessary) – our certified arborist will inspect each tree
How can we help you keep your property in Pristine condition? Contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation.